Book Review Guidelines

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   Book Review Guidelines for Reflective Practice 

Book Review Guidelines for Reflective Practice:

 Formation and Supervision in Ministry


Thank you for your willingness to read and review a book for Reflective Practice.

1.  The book review editor selects the books that will be reviewed, although we are also open to unsolicited book reviews of books that fit within the foci and goals of the journal.

Normally, the book review editor will provide you with the book to be reviewed. We will reimburse you for the cost of the book if you must purchase the book yourself. 

 2.  Read the book carefully, preferably twice.

Keep in mind that the journal’s readers are primarily in the fields of pastoral/spiritual care, chaplaincy, field/contextual education, pastoral counseling, spiritual direction, and practical theology. If, in your estimation, the book does not merit a review in Reflective Practice, please say so (and keep the book).

3.  Place the bibliographic entry at the top of the first page in exactly this format: 

Now Is the Time. By [or Edited by] Laney Tiempo. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995. xxx pages.

4.    Include a statement of the book’s thesis and an outline of its contents. Share your estimate of the strengths and weaknesses of the book as a resource for religious professionals in the fields of pastoral/spiritual care, pastoral counseling, spiritual direction, and/or for doing formation, clinical supervision, mentoring, or training work for religious professionals/leaders.

If you quote from the book in your review, please reference the page number in your text as follows: (p. xx).[KLM1] 

Most reviews are 400 to 800 words. Please do not exceed 800 words without permission of the book review editor.

6.   Put your name, affiliation, and location at the end of the review. Examples:

Teresa Jones                                     Frank Lee

World University                         Truth Theological School

Chicago, Illinois                           Vancouver, Canada

7.     Please submit your review to the book review editor electronically as a Word file to Dr. Sung Hee Chang, (, Reflective Practice book review editor.

8.      The book review editor may edit your review and reserves the right to shorten it. Following approval by the book review editor, the copy editor will format the review and edit for clarity, grammar, etc.

9. The journal is generally published annually in February. In the past, it was published in both hard copy and online versions. Beginning in 2023, Reflective Practice is fully open access and is available online at this

Volume 45 published 2025

If interested in submitting an essay, contact our co-editors: Danielle Buhuro or John Senior

The Deadline 

Ordinarily, articles are 5,000 words in length with endnotes and are submitted electronically.