
The goals of Reflective Practice:

    Formation and Supervision in Ministry are

--To preserve and extend basic theories and practices of supervision

 in ministry by encouraging critical reflection on past practices;  

--To enrich and expand our understanding and practice of formation 

and supervision in ministry by fostering reflection on new practices;

--To explore new avenues by which individuals are prepared for and 

sustained in religious leadership;

   encourage new authors to contribute to this journal;

--To provide a resource for religious communities as they seek 

to determine new and appropriate methods of preparation for ministry.


Articles related to these goals are considered for publication.


We strive to meet these goals through the help of accomplished and new writers. You are invited to submit articles 

related to these goals to: Danielle Buhuro and John Senior, Co-Editors

Contact us for more information.


For open online access to our annual journal promoting, expanding, 

understanding theory and practice in spiritual direction, 

CPE supervision, pastoral counseling and theological field education.